Global Comprehensive Privacy Law Mapping Chart 1Last updated: April 2022 Note: This tool is for informational purposes and is not legal advice. Whether a law includes a particular provision should always be verified via official sources.Argentina Armenia Australia Benin Republic Personal Data Protection Act *Law On Personal Data ProtectionPrivacy Act 1988 Digital CodeAustralian Privacy Principles (included in Privacy Act) Australian Privacy Principles GuidelinesINDIVIDUAL RIGHTSRight to access Articles 4(6) and 14Articles 15, 18(1 and 4) and 20(1 and 2)APP 12 Article 437 Right to correct Article 16 Articles 6, 15(2) and 21(2) APP 13 Article 441 Right to delete Articles 4(5) and 16 Article 15(2)APP Guidelines, APP 13 (related to correcting inaccuracy)Articles 441, 443 and 444 Right to portability Article 438 Right to opt out of all or specific processingArticles 9(3), 11(2), 12(2) and 21(6)APP 7 Articles 390 and 440 Right to opt in for sensitive data processingArticles 2 and 7* Articles 12 and 13* APP 3 Article 394 Age-based opt-in right Article 9(9) Article 446 Right not to be subject to fully automated decisionsArticles 401, 415 and 439BUSINESS OBLIGATIONSNotice/transparency requirementsArticles 6 and 13 Articles 9(5-8) and 10 APPs 1 and 5Articles 384, 403, 415, 416 and 418 Legal basis for processing Article 8 Articles 383 and 389 Purpose limitation Article 4(3)Articles 4(2), 16, 18(2) and 19(1)APP 6 Articles 383(3) and 424 Data minimization Article 4(1), (7) Articles 5, 18(2) and 19(1) APP 3.1–3.2 Articles 383(4) and 424 Security requirements Article 9Article 19 and Government Decision on Biometric Personal Data*APP 11 Articles 383 and 426 Privacy by designAPP Guidelines, APP 1, 1.3Article 424 Processor/service provider requirementsArticle 9 (security) Article 14 Article 386 Prohibition on discrimination Articles 393 and 401 Record keepingChapter IV (Articles 21–28) (for data files, registers, banks, etc.)APP Guidelines, APP 1, 1.5Article 435 Risk/impact assessmentsPrivacy Act 1988, 33D; APP Guidelines, APP 1, 1.7; Australian Government Agencies Privacy Code*Article 428 Data breach notification* Article 21(3 and 4) Privacy Act 1988, Part IIIC Article 427 Registration with authoritiesChapter IV (Articles 21–28) (for data files, registers, banks, etc.)Article 23Articles 405 and 406 (reporting obligation) Data protection officerAustralian Government Agencies Privacy Code*Articles 430–432 International data transfer restrictionsArticle 12 Articles 26 and 27 APP 8 Articles 391 and 392SCOPEExemption for employee data Section 16 of Labour CodePrivacy Act 1988, 7B(3) Nonprofits covered Articles 1 and 2 Article 1(1)Privacy Act 1988, 6C–6EArticle 380OAIC guidance Sectoral law carveouts Article 1(2) State-level preemptionENFORCEMENTIndependent enforcement authorityAgencia de Acceso a la Información PúblicaPersonal Data Protection AgencyOffice of the Australian Information CommissionerAutorité de Protection des Données à caractère Personnel Chapter V (Articles 29 and 30)Articles 24 and 25 Privacy Act 1988, Part IV Articles 462–490 Rulemaking authorityChapter V (Articles 29 and 30)National Assembly, RA Government, Personal Data Protection AgencyPrivacy Act 1988, 100 Article 483 Fining authority Article 31Article 24; Article 189.17, Administrative Violations CodePrivacy Act 1988, Part III, 13G; Part IIIA; Part V, 46, 65–66, etc.Articles 452-455, 459 and 483 Criminal penalties Articles 31 and 32Article 145, Criminal Code (medical privacy)Privacy Act 1988, Part V, 46, 65 and 66; Part VIA, 80Q, etc.Articles 460 and 461 Personal liability Articles 31 and 32 Privacy Act 1988, 99A Article 460 Private right of action Articles 33–39 Articles 17 and 21 Articles 449–451 *Data breach notification: Many countries and all 50 U.S. states have separate data breach notification laws. The term in this chart refers to a provision included in a comprehensive data protection law.

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