Office of the Australian Information Commissioner Annual report 2021–22Office of the Australian Information Commissioner Annual report 2021–22 OAIC Annual report 2021–22ISSN 1839-5155 Creative Commons You are free to share, copy, redistribute, adapt, transform and build upon the materials in this report with the exception of the Commonwealth Coat of Arms. Please attribute the content of this publication as: Office of the Australian Information Commissioner Annual report 2021–22 Contact Mail: Director, Strategic Communications Office of the Australian Information Commissioner GPO Box 5288 Sydney NSW 2001 Email: Website: Phone: 1300 363 992 Non-English speakers If you speak a language other than English and need help, please call the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450 and ask for the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner on 1300 363 992. Accessible formats All our publications can be made available in a range of accessible formats. If you would like this report in an accessible format, please contact us.1The Hon Mark Dreyfus KC MP Attorney-General Parliament House Canberra ACT 2600 Dear Attorney-General I am pleased to provide the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner’s (OAIC) Annual report 2021–22. This report has been prepared for the purposes of s 46 of the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013, which requires that I provide an annual report to you for presentation to Parliament. Section 30 of the Australian Information Commissioner Act 2010 (AIC Act) also requires the Information Commissioner to prepare an annual report on the OAIC’s operations, including a report on freedom of information matters (defined in s 31 of the AIC Act) and privacy matters (defined in s 32 of the AIC Act). The freedom of information matters include a summary of the data collected from Australian Government ministers and agencies in relation to activities under the Freedom of Information Act 1982. I certify that the OAIC has prepared a fraud risk assessment and fraud control plan. We also have a number of appropriate fraud prevention, detection, investigation, reporting and data collection mechanisms in place. The OAIC has taken all reasonable measures to minimise the incidence of fraud. I certify that this report has been prepared in line with the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Rule 2014. Yours sincerely Angelene Falk Australian Information Commissioner and Privacy Commissioner 28 September 2022 2OAIC Annual report 2021–22Contents Part 1: Overview ........................................................................................... 6 About the OAIC ..................................................................................................... 7 Overview from Australian Information Commissioner and Privacy Commissioner Angelene Falk .............................................................. 8 Message from Freedom of Information Commissioner Leo Hardiman PSM KC ...................................................................................... 10 Our year at a glance ........................................................................................... 11 Our structure ....................................................................................................... 15 Part 2: Performance ................................................................................... 20 Our annual performance statement .............................................................. 21 Strategic priority 1 .............................................................................................. 26 Strategic priority 2 .............................................................................................. 32 Strategic priority 3 .............................................................................................. 54 Strategic priority 4 ......................

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