Safari Privacy Overview Learn how the Safari web browser protects your privacy. November 2019 Introduction 3 .............................................................................................. Privacy by design 3 ................................................................................................. Protection from cross-site tracking 3 ...................................................................... Ad measurement that respects user privacy 5 ........................................................ Minimizing data sharing with the Smart Search field 6 ........................................... Browsing privately 7 ................................................................................................ Deleting history and other data 7 ............................................................................ Secure payments on the web 8 ............................................................................... Sync and sign-in features that keep the user in control 9 ....................................... Extensions that respect user privacy 10 ................................................................. Improving Safari while respecting privacy 11 .......................................................... Conclusion 12 .............................................................................................. Safari Privacy Overview | November 2019 2ContentsIntroduction Safari is the built-in browser on Mac, iPhone, iPad, and Apple Watch. Fast and energy efficient, Safari delivers innovative features while also protecting user privacy. Safari is built to ensure websites keep working as expected while blocking unwanted cross-site tracking. Safari also minimizes the amount of data passed to third parties like search engines, and it provides many other features to help protect privacy like Private Browsing and secure password management. Safari protects privacy without requiring users to change the default settings. Privacy by design Safari has been designed from the ground up to protect user privacy. Key privacy features like Intelligent Tracking Prevention (ITP) and fingerprinting defense are turned on by default, so there is no need to make changes in Settings or Safari preferences to benefit from these privacy protections. Safari minimizes the amount of data collected by Apple and shared with third parties. Where possible, Safari’s privacy protections are designed to process data on device. For example, ITP uses machine learning to classify tracking data locally so that browsing history isn’t sent to Apple. Safari also limits the amount of information passed to search engines when a user searches using the Smart Search field. And Safari is designed to provide users with transparency and control around data that is shared. For example, if a user visits a website that wants to access location using Location Services on the device, or use the camera or microphone, Safari will ask permission from the user before granting access. Users can also customize these settings for each website to allow, not allow, or ask each time the site is visited. Safari is designed to hide the user’s identity when sharing information with Apple. Analytics data shared with Apple is not attached to identifying information and, in some cases, is protected using differential privacy, a technique that obscures individual information while allowing Apple to analyze broader trends in web-browsing behavior. And Safari implements security best practices to protect user data. Protection from cross-site tracking In the years since the web was created, technology has been developed to track user behavior across websites for advertising purposes. Users experience this tracking in action when they look at a product online and then ads for that product seem to follow them around the web. Tracking is pervasive; some websites include 100 or more trackers from different com

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