2021 ESG Report 1 2021 ESG Report2021 ESG Report 2 Uber’s 2021 ESG Report highlights our perspectives on the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues that matter most to our business and our stakeholders—including platform users (drivers, delivery people, merchants, and consumers), employees, cities, regulators, and investors. The report is intended to provide a high-level overview of Uber’s views on, approach to, and performance on key ESG issues. Additional content regarding these issues, and more, can be found on Uber.com. Data is as of December 31, 2020, unless otherwise noted. The narratives in the report may cover issues through July 2021. 2021 ESG Report 22021 ESG Report 3 Uber’s ESG vision 4 Letter from our CEO 5 Our business 6 About this report 7 Uber and the SDGs 9 Governance 1 3 COVID-19 response 20 Driver and delivery person well-being 27 User safety 35 People and culture 42 Local impact 50 Integrity and trust 56 Climate change and environmental sustainability 63 Performance data 75 Indexing 93Table of contents 2021 ESG Report 32021 ESG Report 4 Uber’s ESG vision 2021 ESG Report 4Seamless integration of ESG principles into business decision-making to promote long-term value for our stakeholders.2021 ESG Report 5 Letter from our CEO 2021 ESG Report Around the world, in 2020, communities experienced devastating impacts from the COVID-19 pandemic. We did not, however, experience them all equally. COVID-19 exacerbated existing inequalities and brought into focus long-standing issues, including systemic racism; unequal access to work, benefits and protections; and the need for shared action on climate change. Early in the pandemic, Uber recognized a need for partnership—and leadership—on these issues. Building on prior initiatives, we made a number of bold commitments to address these and other issues. We have supported our commitments through investments and actions as we work to build a stronger, more sustainable business and to improve quality of life for all our stakeholders. A few examples from 2020 include: • Leading the industry in innovative approaches to combating COVID-19, including by introducing new health safety technology; providing financial assistance to drivers and delivery people diagnosed with COVID-19 or directed to self- quarantine or self-isolate by a doctor or public health official; successfully advocating to help ensure protections and benefits were available to them; and committing to giving out tens of millions of discounted and free rides, meals, and deliveries to those in need around the world, including most recently to support greater access to vaccines.• Advocating for earners’ flexibility, new benefits and protections through our IC+ model in markets around the world. • Making public commitments toward being an anti-racist company. Progress on this critical work is detailed in our 2021 People and Culture Report. • Committing to be a net-zero-emissions company globally by 2040, and backing that up by signing up for the rigor and accountability of the Science-Based Targets initiative. We also expanded our reporting responsive to the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures. Progress on these initiatives and more is detailed in the pages of this report, in our other publications, and on our website. In all we do, we are guided by our most important cultural norm: Do the right thing, period. Dara Khosrowshahi Chief Executive Officer 52021 ESG Report 6 Uber is a global tech platform operating at massive scale. 10K cities² ~ 71 countries $56B gross bookings Delivery +109% YoY³ 93M MAPCs⁴ Delivery +66% YoY⁵3.5M drivers657K merchants5B trips Mobility Delivery Freight 46%¹ 52%¹ 2%¹Our business Gross Bookings, Trips are FY 2020. MAPCs, Drivers, Merchants are as of Q4 2020 ¹As a percentage of Gross Bookings ²Based on our internal definition of city, which includes metropolitan are

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