CISCO The bridge to possible CISCO SECURE 10181010181010101010101810101010101 01010101010101010101019101 Privacy Becomes Mission Critical Cisco2022 DataPrivacyBenchmarkStudy Contents Introduction. 3 KeyTakeaways Methodology. 1.PrivacyBecomesMission Critical 5 2.PrivacyInvestmentandBenefits 3.DataEthics andAutomated Decision Making. 14 4.Data Localization 5.Organizational OptionsforPrivacy. .18 Recommendations. .20 Appendix. .21 AbouttheCybersecurityReportSeries .22 小小 :SECURE Cisco 2022 Data Privacy Benchmark Study Introduction Over the past few years, privacy has become mission critical for organizations around the world.More than two-thirds of countrieshave enactedprivacylaws,customers are not being reported to Boards of Directors. In addition, privacy skills are becoming more important, especially among security professionals, and organizations are benefitting financially from their investments in privacy. This report, our fth annual review of key privacy issues for organizations, examines privacy's impact on business around the world. KeyTakeawaysFromtheReportInclude: 1. Privacy has become essential to organizations' culture and business practices, including their buying processes,management metrics, and employee areas of responsibility 2. Privacy's Return on Investment (ROl) remains high for the third straight year, with increasedbenefits, especially for small-to medium-size organizations and higher ROl for moreprivacy-mature organizations. customers want more transparency and are concerned about the use of data particulary in Artificial Intelligence (Al) and automated decision making. 4.Data localization requirements are seen as important but costly. 5. Aligning privacy with security seems to create financial and maturity advantages, compared to otherorganizational models. SECURE cisCo Cisco 2022 Data Privacy Benchmark Study Methodology The data in this study is derived from the Cisco Security Outcomes survey, in which respondents wereanonymous to theresearchers and not informedwhowas conducting the study.Using the samemethodologyas prioryears, more than 530o security professionals from 27 geographies'completed the survey in Summer 2021. Survey respondents represent allmajor industries anda mixof company sizes (SeeAppendix 1). We directed privacy specific questions to the more than 49o0 respondents who indicated they are familiar with the privacy processes at their organizations. In this report, we also have included relevant results from the Cisco 2021 Consumer Privacy Survey, which was completed in Summer2021by2600 adults in 12countries2. Australia,Brazil,Canada,Chlle,China,Columbla,France,Gemany,HongKong,India,indonesla,italy,Japan,Malayla,Mexico,Phippin Russis, Saudi Arabis, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, Taiwan, Thailand, The Netherlands, UK, US, and Vietnam. For additional information on this survey,please see Building Consumer Conidence Through Transparency and Control: https://www.c/ 小小 SECURE CISCO Cisco 2022 Data Privacy Benchmark Study 1. Privacy Becomes MissionCritical Privacy has become a business imperative and a critical component of customer trust for organizations around the world. For the second year in a row, 9o% of the respondents in our global survey said they would not buy from an organization that does not properly protect its data, and 91% indicated that external privacy certifications are important in workforcepersonal data issues that have arisen in the pastfewyears.Perhaps it is not culture. See Figure 1. Figure1.Privacy'sOverall Importance Ourcustomerswouldnotbuy Extemalprivacycertifications Privacyis integral fromusif wedidnot adequately areafactorinour to our culture protecttheirdata buying process 90% 91% 92% Source: Cisco o2022Dat Study StronglyFavorableViewof PrivacyLaws Privacy legislation continues to be very well received around the world. These laws play an important role in providing ass

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