SN 中华人民共和国出入境检验检疫行业标准 SN/T 3435—2012 油棕枯萎病菌检疫鉴定方法 Detection and identification of Fusarium oxysporum Schlecht.f. sp. elaeidis Toovey 行业标准信息服务平台 2012-12-12发布 2013-07-01实施 中华人民共和国 发布 国家质量监督检验检疫总局 行业标准信 中华人民共和国出人境检验检疫 服务平台 行业标准专 油棕枯萎病菌检疫鉴定方法 SN/T3435—2012 * 中国标准出版社出版 北京市朝阳区和平里西街甲2号(100013) 北京市西城区三里河北街16号(100045) 总编室:(010)64275323 网址 中国标准出版社秦皇岛印刷厂印刷 * 开本880X×12301/16 印张0.75 字数22千字 2013年6月第一版 2013年6月第一次印刷 印数1—1600 * 书号:155066·2-25285 定价16.00元 SN/T 3435—2012 SN/T 3435—2012 参考文献 [1]余凤玉,覃伟权,朱辉,等.油棕枯萎病研究综述[门.中国热带农业,2009,02:46-48. [2]韦爱梅,黄茂俊,王军.三角椰、油棕枯萎病的病原鉴定和毒力测定初报[J].广东园林,2005, 30(4):33-34. [3] Flood J. A review of Fusarium wilt of oil palm caused by Fusarium orysporum f. sp. elaeidis[J.Phytopathology,2006,96:660-662. [4J Flood J. ,Cooper R. M. and Lees RE. An investigation of pathogenicity of four isolates of Fusarium orysporum from South America, Africa and Malaysia to clonal oil palm [J]. Phytopathology,1989,124:80-88. [5] Flood J.,Mepsted R.:and Cooper R.M. Contamination of oil palm pollen and seeds by Fusarium spp.[J].Mycol.Res.,1990,94:708-709. [6] Flood J.,Mepsted R.,and Cooper R.M.Population dynamics of Fusarium species on oil palm seeds following chemical and heat treatments[JJ. Plant Pathol. ,1994,43:177-182. [7 Flood. J. , Whitehead. D. S. and Cooper. R. M. Vegetative compatibility and DNA polymorphisms in Fusarium orysporum f. sp. elaeidis and their relationship to isolate virulence and originJ]. Physiol. Mol.PlantPathol.,1992,41:201-215. [8] Mouyna I. ,Renard J. L,Brygoo. DNA polymorphism among Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. elaeidis populations from oil palm,using a repeated and dispersed sequence "Palm"J. Curr Genet, 1996,30:174-180. [9] Mepsted R., Flood. J. and Cooper R. M. Fusarium wilt of oil palm I. Possible causes of stunting[JJ.Physiol.Mol.Plant Pathol.,1995,46:361-372. [1o]J Mepsted R. , Flood. J. and Cooper R. M. Fusarium wilt of oil palm II. Stunting as a mechanism to reduce water stress.[JJPhysiol.Mol.Plant Pathol.,1995,46:373-387. [11] Renard J. L. and de Franqueville H. Oil palm vascular wilt[J].Oleagineux.,1989, 44: 342-347. [12] Renard J. L, and de Franqueville H. Effectiveness of crop techniques in the integrated controlofoilpalmvascularwiltdisease[JJ.Oleagineux.1991,46.255-265. [13] Renard J. L. ,Noiret J. M. and Meunier J. Sources and ranges of resistance to Fusarium wilt in the oil palms Elaeis guineensis and Elaeis melanococca[JJ.Oleagineux.,1980.35.387-393. 14J Renard J.L.and Quillec G. Fusarium disease and replanting.Elements to be considered when replanting oil palm in a Fusarium zone in West Africa[JJ.Oleagineux. ,1983,38:421-427. [15J Gerlach W.and Nirenbery H.The Genus Fusarium-a Pictorial Atlas.BBA,1982,Berlin (DE). 书号:155066·2-25285 SN/T3435-2012 定价: 16.00元 SN/T3435—2012 前言 本标准按照GB/T1.1一2009给出的规则起草。 请注意本文件的某些内容可能涉及专利。本文件的发布机构不承担识别这些专利的责任。 本标准由国家认证认可监督管理委员会提出并归口。 本标准负责起草单位:中华人民共和国海南出人境检验检疫局。 本标准参加起草单位:中华人民共和国珠海出人境检验检疫局、中华人民共和国山东出入境检验检 疫局。 本标准主要起草人:韩玉春、刘福秀、徐卫、李伟东、林明光、张建军、吴兴海。 行业标准信息服务平台

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