2023National Intelligence Strategy2023 NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE STRATEGY 1From the Director of National Intelligence Following the attacks of September 11, 2001, and in the wake of the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act passed by Congress in 2004, Director of National Intelligence John D. Negroponte signed out the Intelligence Community’s (IC) first National Intelligence Strategy. The strategy explained that the Intelligence Community’s clear charge was to: • Integrate the domestic and foreign dimensions of U.S. intelligence so that there are no gaps in our understanding of threats to our national security; • Bring more depth and accuracy to intelligence analysis; and • Ensure that U.S. intelligence resources generate future capabilities as well as present results. Now, almost twenty years after our first strategy was issued, the Intelligence Community’s charge remains just as clear, even as the strategic environment has changed dramatically. The United States faces an increasingly complex and interconnected threat environment characterized by strategic competition between the United States, the People’s Republic of China (PRC), and the Russian Federation, felt perhaps most immediately in Russia’s ongoing aggression in Ukraine. In addition to states, sub-national and non-state actors—from multinational corporations to transnational social movements—are increasingly able to create influence, compete for information, and secure or deny political and security outcomes, which provides opportunities for new partnerships as well as new challenges to U.S. interests. In addition, shared global challenges, including climate change, human and health security, as well as emerging and disruptive technological advances, are converging in ways that produce significant consequences that are often difficult to predict. As Director of National Intelligence, I have the privilege of leading an Intelligence Community that provides decision-makers and citizens crucial insights on this diverse and complex landscape. Our support to policymakers, operators, and warfighters is critically dependent on our ability to look beyond the immediate horizon to ensure the Intelligence Community is well postured to address emerging threats, promote national resilience and innovation, defend our competitive advantage, and promote shared prosperity. This National Intelligence Strategy, therefore, lays out the Intelligence Community’s role in supporting the priorities outlined in the President’s National Security Strategy and serves as the Community’s direction for the next four years as we seek to better serve the Nation. The six goals outlined in this National Intelligence Strategy have emerged as our understanding of the kinds of information, technology, and relationships needed to be effective in the future has expanded. Whether we are successful in achieving these goals will depend on whether we can maintain a talented and diverse workforce, and whether we can adapt, increase resilience, and sustain our focus on overcoming the challenges of a rapidly changing environment. I believe we have the capacity, will, and talent to do so. Avril D. Haines Director of National Intelligence2023 NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE STRATEGY 2The National Intelligence Strategy of the United States of America IC Vision An Intelligence Community that embodies America’s values and is sufficiently agile, integrated, innovative, and resilient to inform national security and foreign policy decisions, resulting in a Nation that is secure and prosperous. IC Mission The U.S. Intelligence Community provides timely, rigorous, apolitical, and insightful intelligence and support to inform national security decisions and protect our Nation and its interests.2023 NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE STRATEGY 3Our success as a Community is measured as much by our defense of America’s values as it is by the execution of our intelligence mission. The 202

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